
Showing posts from May, 2024

Go to Hell(goland) - joint Hashweekend Toulouse+Hamburg - June 1st 2024 - Run #658

      Hamburg Hash and Toulouse Hash  are disorganising a  trip to Hell . Join us in  Helgoland  for a unique hashtrail on Saturday June 1st 2024 !! Where   : on the island  Helgoland When   : (Friday 31st May) Saturday 1st June to Sunday 2nd June 2024 What  :    - Thursday evening : Drinking Practice with the Hamburg Hashers, somewhere near Sternschanze -> from 17:00 at  Altes Mädchen  brewery    - Friday : Some hashers will take the morning ferry   - Friday afternoon : we go discover Düne (the island next door) - there are 2 beerstop opportunities - maybe some geo-hashing, ... the boat to Düne is 6€ (return)   - Friday night : more drinks... somewhere...   - Saturday morning : 11am : guided tour of the Bunker - 90min, in English - 14€ per person (20 spots available)   - Saturday - 1pm : Run hared by  It's complicated  and  Just Steffi  ; starting at the ferry terminal, followed by a hashcircle - hashcash : 10€   - Saturday evening: 19:00 - dinner at the restaurant   Helgolände

Hamburg H7 run #657 - Sunday May 19th 2024 - Heimfeld BBQ

HHHi Halfminds, After last weather and train drama, let's try again to cross the Elbe! Get those Sexy Shanks and Long legs out, and join the run and on after Bbq for a taste of summer! Here the details for next run : What : H7 run #6 57 - Heimfeld BBQ When:  Sunday May 19th - at 2pm  Hare :  Sexy Legs + Longshanks Meeting Point  :  Outside S-Bahn station Heimfeld MnWA3V8eeh6 How to get there  : Line S3 or S5 A to B trail  : B is 15 min walk from S-Bahn Heimfeld   Bagdrop  : yes Hashcash  : 5€ + 5€ for the BBQ on after On after :  BBQ at Sexy Leg's place. Please RSVP if you wanna attend. ****************************** ****************************** * Dates for your diaries: - Saturday June 1st 2024 - Go to Hell (goland) run, hared by It´s Complicated - in Helgoland - SATURDAY June 15th 2024 - 2pm - Joined Berlin/Hamburg Hash hared by Cyber Donkey Sex + FKK - in Schwerin - Start at Schwerin Hauptbahnhof - Sunday July 7th 2024 - 2pm - ru